(Botas/Boots-->IsToMe, Pantis/Tights-->Calcedonia, Falda/Skirt-->TopShop, Camiseta/T-Shirt-->Diesel, Bolso/Bag-->Bimba&Lola, Collar/Necklace-->Street Market, Pulseras/Bracelets-->Street Market)
Te levantas rebelde y necesitas expresarlo, por eso soy partidaria de tener siempre un conjunto guardado para este tipo de ocasiones. En las pasarelas los hemos visto con Blamain: chupas de cuero, camisetas rotas y pantalones desteñidos. El toque final lo dan los complementos.
You wake up felling rebel and need to express yourself, that's why i'm in favour of keeping an outfit for this kind of occassions. In the runaways we've seen them with Balmain: leather jackets, open t-shirts and washed-out trousers. The final touch is given by the accessories.