3 jun 2012


Vestido/Dress: ZARA
Botas/Boots: IsToMe
Collar/Necklace: BimbaYLola

Evito las mediastintas. Sin embargo, convertidas en asimetrías dejo que invadan mi armario esta temporada. Ya nos avisaron durante el invierno de que este verano no se admitían las prendas con el mismo largo. 1 vestido, 2 imágenes; corto por delante; largo por detrás. Sé que pronto pasará de moda y eso hace que me guste más todavia, ahora.
I like clear statements. either this or that. However, this season's wardrobe claims for "having everything" by means of asymetries. We were advised last f/w that clothes with the same lenght weren't admitted this summer. 1 dress, 2 looks; short from the front, long from the back. I know it will go out of fashion soon and that just makes me like it even more, for now.

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